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Sport te Gent, Het (1896)
Stable on Fire (1896)
Starting for the Fire (1896)
Steamer 'Rosedale' (1896)
Street Parade, The (1896)
Street Sprinkling and Trolley Cars (1896)
Streets of Cairo (1896)
Surf at Long Branch (1896)
Surrey Garden, A (1896)
Séance de prestidigitation (1896)
Sausage Machine, The (1895)
Saut à la couverture, Le (1895)
Serpentinen Tanz (1895)
Shoeblack at Work in a London Street (1895)
Short Stick Dance (1895)
Silver Dance (1895)
Smith and Machinery at Work (1895)
Sortie des usines Lumière, La (1895)
Sioux Ghost Dance (1894)
Souvenir Strip of the Edison Kinetoscope (1894)
Sa petite fille (1911)
Sacred '?' Elephant, The (1911)
Sacrifice d'Abraham, Le (1911)
Sacrifice d'Absalon, Le (1911)
Sacrifice to Civilization, A (1911)
Sacrifice, The (1911)
Sad bozy (1911)
Sage-Brush Phrenologist, The (1911)
Sahary Djeli (1911)
Saigo takamori seinan senso (1911)
Sailor Jack's Reformation (1911)
Sailor's Love Letter, The (1911)
Salambo (1911)
Samson and Delilah (1911)
San Francesco il poverello d'Assisi (1911)
San Sebastiano (1911)
Sane Fourth of July, A (1911)
Sann historia från Fläsian eller Gubben X, kikaren och albusken, En (1911)
Santa Claus and the Clubman (1911)
Sarah's Hero (1911)
Sasano gonzaburo (1911)
Satyr and the Lady, The (1911)
Savage Girl's Devotion, The (1911)
Saved by Telegraphy (1911)
Saved by the Pony Express (1911)
Saved from Herself (1911)
Saved from Himself (1911)
Saved from the Snow (1911)
Saved from the Torrents (1911)
Savelli, La (1911)
Saving the Special (1911)
Scandal Mongers, The (1911)
Scarlet Letter, The (1911)
Schlechte Zensur, Die (1911)
Science (1911)
Scroggins and the Waltz Dream (1911)
Scroggins Gets the Socialist Craze (1911)
Scroggins Goes in for Chemistry and Discovers a Marvellous Powder (1911)
Scroggins Plays Golf (1911)
Scroggins Takes the Census (1911)
Scéance de spiritisme (1911)
Seaside Introduction, A (1911)
Second Honeymoon, The (1911)
Second Sight (1911)
Secret du coffre, Le (1911)
Secret du passé, Le (1911)
Secret of the Palm, The (1911)
Secret, The (1911)
Seiryoko tomigoro (1911)
Sekiguchi yataro (1911)
Selecting His Heiress (1911)
Seltener Fall, Ein (1911)
Semiramis (1911)
Sendai sodo (1911)
Senorita's Conquest, The (1911)
Sentenced for Life (1911)
Sentinel Asleep, The (1911)
Sergeant's Daughter, The (1911)
Serrana, A (1911)
Servants Superceded (1911)
Service secret (1911)
She (1911)
She Came, She Saw, She Conquered (1911)
She Dreamt of Onions (1911)
She Would Talk (1911)
Sheepman's Daughter, The (1911)
Sheriff and the Man, The (1911)
Sheriff of Tuolomne, The (1911)
Sheriff's Brother, The (1911/I)
Sheriff's Brother, The (1911/II)
Sheriff's Captive, The (1911)
Sheriff's Chum, The (1911)
Sheriff's Daughter, The (1911)
Sheriff's Decision, The (1911)
Sheriff's Friend, The (1911)
Sheriff's Mistake, The (1911)
Sheriff's Sisters, The (1911)
Sheriff, The (1911)
Sherlock Holmes, Jr. (1911)
Shimizu no Jirochô (1911)
Shinkageryu no tatsujin tsukahara bokuden (1911)
Shinzo kyodai (1911)
Shipwrecked (1911)
Short-Lived Happiness (1911)
Show Girl's Stratagem, A (1911)
Show Girl, The (1911)
Sick Man from the East, The (1911)
Sieg des Hosenrocks, Der (1911)
Siete niños de Écija o Los bandidos de Sierra Morena, Los (1911)
Sign of the Three Labels, The (1911)
Silas Marner (1911)
Silent Signal, The (1911)
Silent Tongue, The (1911)
Silken Thread, The (1911)
Silly Sammy (1911)
Silver Lining, The (1911)
Silver Threads Among the Gold (1911)
Silver Wing's Dream (1911)
Simpkin's Dream of a Holiday (1911)
Sinner, The (1911)
Sir George and the Heiress (1911)
Sir Percy and the Punchers (1911)
Siren of the Sea (1911)
Sismo en México el 7 de junio (1911)
Sisters, The (1911)
Situation délicate d'un cambrioleur, La (1911)
Six petits tambours, Les (1911)
Siège de Calais, Le (1911)
Skating Bug, The (1911)
Sky Pilot's Intemperance, The (1911)
Sky Pilot, The (1911)
Skæbnebæltet (1911)
Slabsides (1911)
Slavey's Affinity, The (1911)
Sleep Walker, The (1911)
Slick's Romance (1911)
Slight Mistake, A (1911)
Slim Jim's Last Chance (1911)
Smile of a Child, The (1911)
Smoke of the .45, The (1911)
Smuggler's Step-Daughter, The (1911)
Smuggler, The (1911)
Snake in the Grass (1911)
Snare of Society, The (1911)
Snow Bound with a Woman Hater (1911)
So Like a Woman (1911)
Society and the Man (1911)
Society Girl and the Gypsy, The (1911)
Soga kyodai ichidaiki (1911)
Sogno di un tramonto d'autunno, Il (1911)
Sokové (1911)
Soldier and a Man, A (1911)
Soldier's Return, The (1911)
Soldiers Three; or, When Scotch Soldier Laddies Went in Swimming (1911)
Solemne entrega del cañon capturado por las fuerzas insurgentes (1911)
Some Good in All (1911)
Some Mother-in-Law (1911)
Son fils (1911)
Son rêve ne dura qu'un jour (1911)
Songe de Nick Winter, Le (1911)
Sorrowful Example, The (1911)
Sorte drøm, Den (1911)
Souls Courageous (1911)
Souris blanche, La (1911)
Souris d'hôtel (1911)
Sous le joug (1911)
Southern Soldier's Sacrifice, A (1911)
Soyez donc charitables (1911)
Spanish Gypsy, The (1911)
Spanish Wooing, A (1911)
Special Messenger (1911)
Spiel um das Lebensglück zweier Menschen, Ein (1911)
Spike Shannon's Last Fight (1911)
Spirit Hand, The (1911)
Spirit of the Gorge, The (1911)
Spirit of the Lake, The (1911)
Spirit of the Light; or, Love Watches on Through the Years, The (1911)
Sport Hípico (1911)
Sprained Ankle, A (1911)
Spring Cleaning in the House of Scroggins (1911)
Spy, The (1911)
Squatter and the Clown, The (1911)
Squatter's Son, The (1911)
Squaw's Love, The (1911)
Stability vs. Nobility (1911)
Stage Child, The (1911)
Stage Door Flirtation, A (1911)
Stage Driver's Daughter, The (1911)
Stage Romance, A (1911)
Stage Struck (1911)
Stage-Struck Lizzie (1911)
Stampede, The (1911)
Star Spangled Banner, The (1911)
State Line, The (1911)
Statue, La (1911)
Stealing a Ride (1911)
Stepmother, The (1911)
Stepsisters, The (1911)
Stickphast (1911)
Stigmate, Le (1911)
Still Alarm, The (1911)
Stockholmsdamernas älskling (1911)
Stockholmsfrestelser eller Ett Norrlands-herrskaps äventyr i den sköna synderskans stad (1911)
Stolen Dog, The (1911)
Stolen Grey, The (1911)
Stop the Fight (1911)
Store flyver, Den (1911)
Story of Rosie's Rose, The (1911)
Story of the Indian Ledge, The (1911)
Strategy (1911)
Strategy of Ann, The (1911)
Streikbrecher, Der (1911)
Strike at the Little Jonny Mine, The (1911)
Strike at the Mines, The (1911)
Strike Leader, The (1911)
Struggling Author, A (1911)
Stubbs' New Servants (1911)
Studentenliebe (1911)
Studies in Expression (1911)
Stuff Heroes Are Made Of, The (1911)
Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of, The (1911)
Stumbling Block, The (1911)
Subaltern's Joke, The (1911)
Subduing of Mrs. Nag, The (1911)
Suffer Little Children (1911)
Suffragettes' Downfall; Or, Who Said 'Rats'?, The (1911)
Suggestion du baiser, La (1911)
Suicidé malgré lui, Le (1911)
Summer Adventure, A (1911)
Summer Girl, The (1911)
Sundowner, The (1911)
Sunshine and Shadow (1911)
Sunshine Through the Dark (1911)
Superstitious Sammy (1911)
Suppe, Die (1911)
Surgeon's Temptation, The (1911)
Survival of the Fittest, The (1911)
Svarte doktorn, Den (1911)
Swank and the Remedy (1911)
Sweet Memories (1911)
Sweet Nell of Old Drury (1911)
Switchman's Tower, The (1911)
Swords and Hearts (1911)
Sündige Liebe (1911)
Sacrifice d'Yvonne, Le (1910)
Sacrifiée, La (1910)
Sage, the Cherub, and the Widow, The (1910)
Sailor's Sacrifice, A (1910)
Salomé (1910)
Salt on the Bird's Tail (1910)
Salutary Lesson, A (1910)
Sanada yukimura (1910)
Sand Man's Cure, The (1910)
Sanitarium, The (1910)
Sanjusangendo to yurai (1910)
Satario, El (1910)
Saved by His Sweetheart (1910)
Saved by the Flag (1910)
Saved from the Redmen (1910)
Scarabée d'or, Le (1910)
Scaramouches, The (1910)
Schiavo di Cartagine, Lo (1910)
Schilder Laermans ontvangt de grote medaille tijdens de internationale tentoonstelling van Brussel (1910)
Schilderachtig Antwerpen (1910)
Schneeschuhläufer in Nöten, Der (1910)
Schoolmaster of Mariposa, The (1910)
Schuld und Sühne (1910)
Scroggins Puts Up for Blankshire (1910)
Sea Wolves, The (1910)
Seal of the Church, The (1910)
Seeing London in One Day (1910)
Segunda carrera automovilista 'Peña-Rhin' (Mataró-Argentona) (1910)
Self-Made Hero, A (1910)
Senator's Double, The (1910)
Sepoy's Wife, The (1910)
Sept barres d'or, Les (1910)
Sept péchés capitaux, Les (1910)
Serenata, La (1910)
Serious Sixteen (1910)
Seth's Temptation (1910)
Seven, Seventeen and Seventy (1910)
Sharp-Witted Thief, The (1910)
She Stoops to Conquer (1910)
She Wanted to Marry a Hero (1910)
She's Done It Again (1910)
Sheriff and his Son, The (1910)
Sheriff and Miss Jones, The (1910)
Sheriff and the Detective, The (1910)
Sheriff's Law, The (1910)
Sheriff's Sacrifice, The (1910)
Sheriff, The (1910)
Sherlock Holmes VI (1910)
Shonanko (1910)
Short-Sighted Errand Boy, The (1910)
Shylock (1910)
Si j'étais le roi (1910)
Signora Cannone ha caldo, La (1910)
Silent Message, The (1910)
Simple Charity (1910)
Sisters (1910)
Skarpretterens Søn (1910)
Skæbnesvangre opfindelse, Den (1910)
Sleepy Sam's Awakening (1910)
Slippery Jim (1910)
Smoker, The (1910)
Soeurs de lait (1910)
Song of the Wildwood Flute, The (1910)
Songe d'un garçon de café, Le (1910)
Sorcière de la grève, La (1910)
Sorrows of the Unfaithful, The (1910)
Soul of Venice, The (1910)
Soupçon, Le (1910)
Sous la terreur (1910)
South Before the War, The (1910)
Souvenez-vous en (1910)
Spectre de l'autre, Le (1910)
Spinne, Die (1910)
Spitfire, The (1910)
Spoliateur, Le (1910)
Spoony Sam (1910)
Spoorlijn van de watervallen, De (1910)
Spøgelset i gravkælderen (1910)
Squatter's Daughter, The (1910)
Squire's Romance, The (1910)
St. Elmo (1910/I)
St. Elmo (1910/II)
Stage Note, The (1910)
Starlight's Devotion (1910)
Stars and Stripes, The (1910)
Stenographer's Friend; Or, What Was Accomplished by an Edison Business Phonograph, The (1910)
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