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Stepmother, The (1910)
Stockman Joe (1910)
Stolen by Indians (1910)
Stolen Claim, The (1910)
Stolen Heir, The (1910)
Stolen Invention, The (1910)
Stowaway, The (1910)
Stranger, The (1910)
Street Preacher, The (1910)
Stricken Home, The (1910)
Strongest Tie, The (1910)
Stung! (1910)
Suffragette and the Hobble Skirt, The (1910)
Suicides du louf, Les (1910)
Summer Flirtation, A (1910)
Summer Idyll, A (1910)
Summer Tragedy, A (1910)
Sumurûn (1910)
Sunshine in Poverty Row (1910)
Sunshine Sue (1910)
Sur la pente (1910)
Susan's Revenge (1910)
Sweetheart of the Doomed (1910)
Sacrifice du gueux, Le (1909)
Sacrifice, The (1909)
Sakkjáték örültje, A (1909)
Salome Dance Music, The (1909)
Salome Mad (1909)
Salvation Army Lass, The (1909)
Sanatorium pour maigrir (1909)
Saul and David (1909)
Sauvagette (1909)
Saved by a Burglar (1909)
Saved by a Dream (1909)
Savetier et le financier, Le (1909)
Scales of Justice, The (1909)
Schneider's Anti-Noise Crusade (1909)
Scottish Covenanters, The (1909)
Sculptor's Love, The (1909)
Sealed Room, The (1909)
Seaweed (1909)
Secret Service Woman (1909)
See the Picture! (1909)
Seein' Things (1909)
Sehnsucht (1909)
Seventh Day, The (1909)
Shanghaied (1909)
She Would Be an Actress (1909)
Shepherd's Dog, The (1909)
Sherlock Holmes IV (1909)
Sherlock Holmes V (1909)
Signora de Monsoro, La (1909)
Simone (1909)
Since Daddy Was Taken Away (1909)
Sinner's Repentance, A (1909)
Sir John Melmoth (1909)
Siren's Necklace, The (1909)
Sister's Love: A Tale of the Franco-Prussian War, A (1909)
Skilda tiders danser (1909)
Slave to Drink, The (1909)
Slave, The (1909)
Sleepwalker, The (1909)
Smert Ioanna Groznogo (1909)
Smith's Knockabout Theatre (1909)
Sneezing (1909)
Soeur Angélique (1909)
Son's Return, The (1909)
Songe d'une nuit d'été, Le (1909)
Sonho de Valsa (1909)
Sooty Sketches (1909)
Soubrette et le lutin, La (1909)
Soulier de Cendrillon, Le (1909)
Soulier trop petit, Le (1909)
Souliers du facteur, Les (1909)
Sound Sleeper, A (1909)
Sous le drapeau (1909)
Spadassin, Le (1909)
Spanish Girl, The (1909)
Special Licence, The (1909)
Spectre, Le (1909)
Spergiura (1909)
Spoilt Child, The (1909)
Sporting Mice, The (1909)
Squaw's Revenge, The (1909)
Sr. Durand quiere irse de Juerga, El (1909)
Stampede, The (1909)
Stolen Wireless, The (1909)
Storia di Lulù, La (1909)
Stormen paa København den 11. Februar 1659 og Gøngehøvdingen (1909)
Story of a Picture, The (1909)
Strange Meeting, A (1909)
Subterfuge, Le (1909)
Sue, Sue, Sue (1909)
Sueño milagroso, El (1909)
Suffer Little Children... For of Such Is the Kingdom of Labor (1909)
Suicide Club, The (1909)
Sur le sentier de la guerre (1909)
Surprising Powder, A (1909)
Svanberg i täflan med kapplöpningshästar på Jägersro (1909)
Sven Hedins ankomst till Furusund och Stockholm (1909)
Sweet and Twenty (1909)
Sweet Revenge, A (1909)
Système du docteur Tranchelard, Le (1909)
Szabadkai dráma, A (1909)
Sa majesté Grippemiche (1912)
Sacrifice d'Ismaël, Le (1912)
Sacrifice de Willy, Le (1912)
Sacrifice, The (1912)
Sad Devil, A (1912)
Safe Proposition, A (1912)
Sahara kisaburo (1912)
Sahrana majora Jovanovica (1912)
Sailor's Heart, A (1912)
Saint and the Siwash, The (1912)
Sakura sogoro (1912)
Saleslady, The (1912)
Sally Ann's Strategy (1912)
Saltarella, La (1912)
Salted Mine, The (1912)
Saltimbanque, Le (1912)
Salvationist, The (1912)
Sam Simpkins, Sleuth (1912)
Samaritan of Coogan's Tenement, The (1912)
Samhällets dom (1912)
Sammy Orpheus; or, The Pied Piper of the Jungle (1912)
San Giorgio cavaliere (1912)
Sand Storm, The (1912)
Sands of Dee, The (1912)
Sandy's New Kilt (1912)
Sano jirozaemon (1912)
Sano shikajuro (1912)
Santa Clause (1912)
Santarellina (1912)
Sapho (1912)
Satana (1912)
Satin and Gingham (1912)
Saty delaji cloveka (1912)
Saved at the Altar (1912)
Saved by a Cat (1912)
Saved by Fire (1912/I)
Saved by Fire (1912/II)
Saved by Telephone (1912)
Saved from Court Martial (1912)
Saved from the Titanic (1912)
Saving an Audience (1912)
Saving the Game (1912)
Saving the Royal Mail (1912)
Savitri (1912)
Scalawag, The (1912)
Scapegoat, The (1912)
Schatten des Lebens (1912)
Schatten des Meeres, Der (1912)
Scheme, The (1912)
Schemers, The (1912)
Schicksalsfäden (1912)
Schlaumeyer (1912)
School Teacher and the Waif, The (1912)
Schoolma'm of Stone Gulch, The (1912)
Schuld und Sühne (1912)
Schwarzes Blut (1912)
Scoop, The (1912)
Scènes de la vie cruelle (1912)
Seal Hunting in Newfoundland (1912)
Seal of Time, The (1912)
Sealed Envelope, The (1912)
Seaside Comedy, A (1912)
Secret de l'acier, Le (1912)
Secret du lac, Le (1912)
Secret of the Miser's Cave, The (1912)
Secret Service Man, The (1912)
Secret Wedding, The (1912)
Sedziowie (1912)
Segreti dell'anima, I (1912)
Seine Vergangenheit (1912)
Sepoy Rebellion, The (1912)
Sergeant Byrne of the Northwest Mounted Police (1912)
Sergeant's Boy, The (1912)
Serment de fumeur (1912)
Serpents, The (1912)
Servant Problem; or, How Mr. Bullington Ran the House, The (1912)
Settled Out of Court (1912)
Seven Bars of Gold (1912)
Seventh Son, The (1912)
Sewer, The (1912)
Sexton Blake v Baron Kettler (1912)
Shadow of the Cross, The (1912)
Shadow of the Past, A (1912)
Shadow on the Blind, The (1912)
Shall Never Hunger (1912)
Shamus O'Brien (1912)
Shanghaied (1912)
Shanghaied Cowboys, The (1912)
Sharp Practice (1912)
Sharps and Chaps (1912)
Shaughraun, The (1912)
She Cried (1912)
She Is a Pippin (1912)
She Never Knew (1912)
She Wanted a Boarder (1912)
Sheepman's Escape, The (1912)
Sheepskin Trousers; or, Not in These (1912)
Shepherd's Flute, The (1912)
Sheriff and His Man, The (1912)
Sheriff Jim's Last Shot (1912)
Sheriff of Stoney Butte, The (1912)
Sheriff Outwitted, The (1912)
Sheriff's Adopted Child, The (1912)
Sheriff's Brother, The (1912)
Sheriff's Daughter, The (1912)
Sheriff's Inheritance, The (1912)
Sheriff's Luck, The (1912)
Sheriff's Mistake, The (1912)
Sheriff's Mysterious Aide, The (1912)
Sheriff's Reward, The (1912)
Sheriff's Round-Up, The (1912)
Shin nihon kondo shigezo (1912)
Shiobara tasuke ichidaiki (1912)
Shoki no hanbei (1912)
Shot in the Dark, A (1912)
Shot That Failed, The (1912)
Shotgun Ranchman, The (1912)
Shrinking Rawhide, The (1912)
Shunkan ichidaiki (1912)
Shuttle of Fate, The (1912)
Siege of Petersburg, The (1912)
Sigfrido (1912)
Signal Code, The (1912)
Signal Fire, The (1912)
Signal Lights (1912)
Signal of Distress, The (1912)
Signalement, Le (1912)
Silent Call, The (1912)
Silent Jim (1912)
Silent Signal, The (1912)
Silent Witness, A (1912)
Silent Witness, The (1912)
Silver Grindstone, The (1912)
Simple Life, The (1912/I)
Simple Life, The (1912/II)
Simple Love, The (1912)
Simple Maid, A (1912)
Simulacros de guerra por los voluntarios y el colegio militar (1912)
Sin of a Woman, The (1912)
Sing Lee and the Bad Man (1912)
Sins of the Father (1912)
Siren of Impulse, A (1912)
Sister's Love, A (1912)
Sisters (1912/I)
Sisters (1912/II)
Six Cylinder Elopement, A (1912)
Six O'Clock (1912)
Sixth Commandment, The (1912)
Sketch with the Thumb Print, The (1912)
Skinflint, The (1912)
Sklave der Liebe (1912)
Slip, The (1912)
Smiling Bob (1912)
Smuggler's Daughter of Anglesea, The (1912)
Smuggler's Daughter, The (1912)
Smuggler, The (1912)
Snare, The (1912)
Snowball and His Pal (1912)
Snowman, The (1912)
So Near, Yet So Far (1912)
So Speaks the Heart (1912)
So-Jun-Wah and the Tribal Law (1912)
Social Secretary, The (1912)
Society and Chaps (1912)
Soldier Brothers of Susanna, The (1912)
Soldier's Duty, A (1912)
Soldier's Furlough, A (1912)
Soldier's Honor, A (1912)
Solomon's Son (1912)
Something Wrong with Bessie (1912)
Son's Ingratitude, A (1912)
Sonate du diable, La (1912)
Song of the Shell (1912)
Sons of the North Woods (1912)
Sorte kansler, Den (1912)
Sortilège de Patouillard, Le (1912)
Sosie de Patouillard, Le (1912)
Soul Reclaimed, A (1912)
Souls in the Shadow (1912)
Sous la griffe (1912)
Spanish Cavalier, The (1912)
Spanish Dilemma, A (1912)
Spanish Love Song, A (1912)
Spanish Revolt of 1836, The (1912)
Spare the Rod (1912)
Spartan Mother, A (1912)
Specimens from the New York Zoological Park (1912)
Speed Demon, The (1912)
Spendthrift's Reform, The (1912)
Spider's Web, The (1912)
Spirit Awakened, The (1912)
Spirit of the Range, The (1912)
Spodnie jasnie pana (1912)
Spoiled Child, The (1912)
Sporting Editor, The (1912)
Springing a Surprise (1912)
Squatter's Child, The (1912)
Squaw Man's Sweetheart, The (1912)
Squnk City Fire Company (1912)
Staff of Age, The (1912)
Stage Struck Mamie (1912)
Stain, The (1912)
Standing Room Only (1912)
Star Eyes' Stratagem (1912)
Star of Bethlehem, The (1912)
Star of the Side Show, The (1912)
Star Reborn, A (1912)
Star Reporter, The (1912)
Starbucks, The (1912)
Statua di carne, La (1912)
Stellungslose Photograph, Der (1912)
Stenographer Wanted (1912)
Stenographers Wanted (1912)
Stern Destiny, A (1912)
Stern Papa (1912)
Stigma, The (1912)
Stolen Airship Plans, The (1912)
Stolen Glory (1912)
Stolen Invention, The (1912)
Stolen Letter, The (1912)
Stolen Nickel, The (1912)
Stolen Ring, The (1912)
Stolen Symphony, The (1912)
Stolen Violin, The (1912)
Story of a Kiss, The (1912)
Story of a Wallet, The (1912)
Story of Montana, A (1912)
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