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Story Without Words, A (1897)
Stralauer Fischzug am 24. August 1897 (1897)
Suburban Handicap, 1897 (1897)
Sun Dance - Annabelle (1897)
Sunlight Soap Washing Competition (1897)
Sur les toits (1897)
Surf at Monterey (1897)
Sutro Baths, No. 1 (1897)
Sutro Baths, No. 2 (1897)
Svanerne fanges ind (1897)
Svanerne i Sortedamssøen (1897)
S.S. 'Deutschland' in a Storm, No. 2, The (1902)
S.S. 'Deutschland' in a Storm, The (1902)
S.S. 'Deutschland' in Heavy Sea, The (1902)
S.S. 'Deutschland' Leaving Her Dock in Hoboken, The (1902)
Sage-femme de première classe (1902)
Sailing of Battleship 'Wurtemberg' (1902)
Sailing of the 'Deutschland' with Prince Henry (of Prussia) on Board (1902)
Sambo (1902)
Savable Wins (1902)
Scene on Lower Broadway (1902)
Schoolroom in the Soudan, A (1902)
Scrambling for Eggs (1902)
Sea Gulls Following Fishing Boats (1902)
Sea Sick Excursionists (1902)
Seashore Gymkana, A (1902)
Seeing New York (1902)
Selling a Pet Dog (1902)
Serving Potatoes, Undressed (1902)
Señor general Díaz y su esposa paseando a caballo en el bosque de Chapultepec (1902)
She Meets with Wife's Approval (1902)
Sheep and Lambs (1902)
Sheffield United v Bury (1902)
Shuffleboard on S.S. 'Deutschland' (1902)
Shut Up! (1902)
Singing Donkey, The (1902)
Sir Thomas Lipton on Board the Erin (1902)
Skate Sailing in Sweden (1902)
Skating in Stockholm (1902)
Skidoo-23 (1902)
Skiing in Montreal (1902)
Skiing in Stockholm, Sweden (1902)
Skiing Scene in Quebec (1902)
Sleeper, The (1902)
Smoking Smokes (1902)
Snicklefritz Has a Hot Time (1902)
Snow White (1902)
Soap vs. Blacking (1902)
Soldier's Return, The (1902)
Soldiers in the Strike District (1902)
Sortie de l'usine Peltzer, La (1902)
Sowing Seed on the Farm (1902)
Speedway Parade, The (1902)
Spill, A (1902)
Sr. Wrangler Mr. R.P. Paranjpe (1902)
St. John's Guild. Bathing in Surf and Leaving Water (1902)
St. John's Guild. Crippled Children to and from Wagon (1902)
St. John's Guild. Dispensary Scene, Floating Hospital (1902)
St. John's Guild. Dock to Plank, 35th St. (1902)
St. John's Guild. Examination of Patients (1902)
St. John's Guild. From Launch to Dock (1902)
St. John's Guild. Going in Water. (1902)
St. John's Guild. Going to Salt-water Bath Room (1902)
St. John's Guild. Julliard and Tug in Narrows (1902)
St. John's Guild. Julliard Passing; Fire-Hose Playing (1902)
St. John's Guild. Launch Approaching Dock (1902)
St. John's Guild. Launch Delivering Patients to F.H. (1902)
St. John's Guild. Patients Down Bridge. S.S.H. (1902)
St. John's Guild. Plank to Deck, Floating Hospital (1902)
St. Patrick's Cathedral and Fifth Avenue on Easter Sunday Morning (New York City) (1902)
Starting a Skyscraper (1902)
Steeplechasing at the Brooklyn Handicap (1902)
Stern Chase, A (1902)
Storm at Sea Near St. Pierre, Martinique (1902)
Street Scene (1902/I)
Street Scene (1902/II)
Street Scene in Cairo (1902)
Street Scene in Fort de France, Martinique (1902)
Street Scene, Tokio (1902)
Stud Farm, No. 1, The (1902)
Stud Farm, No. 2, The (1902)
Stud Farm, No. 3, The (1902)
Stud Pony (1902)
Study in Openwork, A (1902)
Suburban of 1902, The (1902)
Summer Exodus, The (1902)
Supplice de Tantale, Le (1902)
Sweet Little Home in the Country, A (1902)
Sweethearts (1902)
Swimming Ducks at Allentown (Pa.) Duck Farm, The (1902)
S.S. 'Columbia' Sailing (1898)
S.S. 'Coptic' (1898)
S.S. 'Coptic' Coaling (1898)
S.S. 'Coptic' Lying To (1898)
S.S. 'Coptic' Running Against the Storm (1898)
S.S. 'Coptic' Running Before a Gale (1898)
S.S. 'Doric' (1898)
S.S. 'Doric' in Mid-Ocean (1898)
S.S. 'Gaelic' (1898)
S.S. 'Gaelic' at Nagasaki (1898)
Saida do Paquete Duque de Braganca (1898)
Sailor Nailing Flag to Mast (1898)
Sailor's Departure, The (1898)
Sailor's Hornpipe (1898)
Sailor's Return, The (1898)
Sailors Landing Under Fire (1898)
Salle à manger fantastique (1898)
Salt Lake City Company of Rocky Mt. Riders (1898)
Santa Claus and the Children (1898)
Sawanotsuru (1898)
Saída dos Operários do Arsenal da Marinha (1898)
Scene on the Steamship 'Olivette' (1898)
Schlußszene des II. Aktes aus Fall Corignan (1898)
Schoolmaster's Portrait, The (1898)
Schoolmaster's Surprise, The (1898)
Scotch Reel (1898)
Scène d'escamotage (1898)
Sea Waves (1898)
Seaforth Highlanders' Return to Cairo After the Fall of Omdurman (1898)
Second Battalion; 2nd Massachusetts Volunteers (1898)
Second Illinois Volunteers at Double Time (1898)
Second Illinois Volunteers in Review (1898)
Second Story Man, A (1898)
Secretary Long and Captain Sigsbee (1898)
See-Saw Scene (1898)
See-Saw, at the Chorus Girls' Picnic, The (1898)
Serving Rations to the Indians, No. 1 (1898)
Serving Rations to the Indians, No. 2 (1898)
Seventh Ohio Volunteers (1898)
Shanghai Police (1898)
Shanghai Street Scene No. 1 (1898)
Shanghai Street Scene No. 2 (1898)
Shoe and Stocking Race, A (1898)
Shooting Captured Insurgents (1898)
Shooting the Chutes at Home (1898)
Shooting the Long Sault Rapids (1898)
Siamese Twins (1898)
Sikh Artillery, Hong Kong (1898)
Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers (1898)
Skating (1898)
Skeleton Dance, Marionettes (1898)
Skirmish Drill, A (1898)
Skirt Dance (1898)
Skyscrapers of New York, The (1898)
Sleeping Uncle and the Bad Girls, The (1898)
Sleighing Scene (1898/I)
Sleighing Scene (1898/II)
Slippery Landing, A (1898)
Sloper's Visit to Brighton (1898)
Smoking Her Out (1898)
Smích a plác (1898)
Snap the Whip (1898)
Snapping the Whip (1898)
Snow Shoe Club, The (1898)
Snow Storm (1898)
Snowballing the Coasters (1898)
Social Salvation (1898)
Socks or Stockings (1898)
Soldiers at Play (1898)
Soldiers Firing on Train (1898)
Soldiers Washing Dishes (1898)
Some Dudes Can Fight (1898)
Some Troubles of House Cleaning (1898)
Sortie sans permission (1898)
Soubrettes' Wine Dinner, The (1898)
South Gate of the Highlands (1898)
South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. (1898)
Spanish Ball Game (1898)
Spanish Battleship 'Viscaya' (1898)
Spanish Cruiser Vizcaya, The (1898)
Spanish Fleet Destroyed (1898)
Spanish Infantry Attacking American Soldiers in Camp (1898)
Spanish Sailors on the 'St. Louis' (1898)
Spanish Volunteers in Havana (1898)
Spanking the Naughty Girl (1898)
Spinster's Waterloo (1898)
Spot Filming of Windsor Hotel Fire in New York (1898)
St. Bernard Commandery, Chicago (1898)
St. Vincent's Cadets (1898)
Startled Lover, The (1898)
State Fencibles, Pennsylvania (1898)
Station du chemin de fer de Tokyo (1898)
Statue of Liberty (1898)
Stealing a Ham (1898)
Stealing Apples (1898)
Steam Launch of Olympia (1898)
Steamer 'Boston' (1898)
Steamer 'Island Wanderer' (1898)
Steamer 'Mascotte' Arriving at Tampa (1898)
Steamer 'New York' (1898)
Steamship 'Olivette' (1898)
Stingy Girl and the Box of Candy, The (1898)
Stockbroker, The (1898)
Stolen Stockings, The (1898)
Stolen Sweets (1898)
Street Arab, A (1898)
Street Boys at the Seashore (1898)
Street Fight and Arrest (1898)
Street Scene in Hong Kong (1898)
Street Scene in Yokohama, No. 1 (1898)
Street Scene in Yokohama, No. 2 (1898)
Street Scene, San Diego (1898)
Study in Facial Expressions, A (1898)
Sunday Morning in Mexico (1898)
Sunset Limited, Southern Pacific Ry. (1898)
Surf Dashing Against England's Rocky Coast (1898)
Surface Transit, Mexico (1898)
Surrender of General Toral (1898)
Swift Chappie, A (1898)
Sailors of the Atlantic Fleet (1899)
Salida de empleados de una fabrica (1899)
Sandwich Man, The (1899)
Santa Claus (1899)
Saratoga Limited, The (1899)
Scaling a Fort at Manila (1899)
Scandalous Proceeding, A (1899)
Schooling Hunters (1899)
Schoolship Saratoga (1899)
Scots Grey (1899)
Scrubbem's Washing Machine (1899)
Second Battalion, 1st Regiment, N.G. of Pennsylvania (1899)
Second Boston School Regiment (1899)
Second City Troop (1899)
Sensational Fishing Scene (1899)
Serenaders, The (1899)
Sev. Regiments Passing the Monument (1899)
Sevillanas (1899)
Shamrock and Columbia Jockeying for a Start (1899)
Shamrock I (1899)
Shamrock Starting on Trial Trip (1899)
Sharkey-McCoy Fight Reproduced in 10 Rounds (1899)
She Wanted to Be a Boy (1899)
Shoot the Chutes Series (1899)
Shooting an Artesian Well (1899)
Shooting the Life Line (1899)
Simon the Cellarer (1899)
Sir Thomas Lipton and Party on 'Erin's' Launch (1899)
Sir Thomas Lipton's Steam Yacht 'Erin' (1899)
Skeleton at the Feast, The (1899)
Skirmish of Rough Riders (1899)
Sleeping Lovers, The (1899)
Sleighing in the Park (1899)
Sleighing on Diamond Street (1899)
Slide for Life, A (1899)
Sliding Down Mount Washington (1899)
Smallest Train in the World (1899)
Snowballing After School (1899)
Soldiers of the Future (1899)
Some Future Champions (1899)
Sortie de l'usine Cockeril à Seraing (1899)
Sortie de l'église Saint-Jacques (1899)
Sortie de la grand' messe de l'église de la cathédrale (1899)
Sortie du congrès de Versailles, La (1899)
Soubrette's Birthday, The (1899)
Soubrette's Credentials, The (1899)
South Wales Express (1899)
Spaniards Evacuating (1899)
Spectacular Start, A (1899)
Spectre, Le (1899)
Spider and the Fly, The (1899)
Spirits in the Kitchen (1899)
St. Clair Tunnel (1899/I)
St. Clair Tunnel (1899/II)
St. Clair Tunnel (1899/III)
Stage Coaches Leaving the Hotel Victoria (1899)
Start of Race Between 'Columbia' and 'Shamrock' (1899)
Start of Second Cup Race (1899)
Start of Third Day's Race (1899)
Startled Lover, The (1899)
State Fencibles (1899)
Statue de neige, La (1899)
Stealing a Bride (1899)
Stealing a Dinner (1899)
Steamer 'Grandrepublic' (1899)
Steamship 'Chippewa' (1899)
Steamship 'Empress of India' (1899)
Steamship 'Northland' (1899)
Steamship 'Pavonia' (1899)
Storming the Fort (1899)
Strange Adventure of New York Drummer (1899)
Suburban, The (1899)
Suckling Pigs (1899)
Suicide du Colonel Henry (1899)
Summer Girl, The (1899)
Summit of Mt. Washington (1899)
Sunday School Parade (1899/I)
Sunday School Parade (1899/II)
Sweet Girl Graduate, The (1899)
Symphony in 'A' Flat (1899)
Sac au dos (1896)
Sack Race (1896)
Salida de los alabarderos de palacio (1896)
Salida de misa de Calatravas (1896)
Salut malencontreux d'un déserteur (1896)
Sauvetage en rivière, 1er (1896)
Sauvetage en rivière, 2e (1896)
Sawing Wood (1896)
Saída do Pessoal Operário da Fábrica Confiança (1896)
Scene from the Coronation of the Czar of Russia (1896)
Scenes on the Bois de Boulogne (1896)
Schlittschuhläufer auf der West-Eisbahn (1896)
Sea Cave Near Lisbon, A (1896)
Sea Scene (1896)
Senhor dos Matosinhos, O (1896)
Senhor Morgado, O (1896)
Serpentine Dance by Annabelle (1896)
Señorita Andrea (1896)
Shooting the Chutes (1896/I)
Shooting the Chutes (1896/II)
Showing Group of Bathers, Atlantic City Beach (1896)
Sidewalks of New York (1896)
Sisters Hengler Specialty Dancers, The (1896)
Snow Men (1896)
Soldier's Courtship, The (1896)
Sortie des ateliers Vibert (1896)
Sound Money Parade (1896/I)
Sound Money Parade (1896/II)
Sound Money Parade, The (1896)
Sparring Contest, Canastota, N.Y. (1896)
Special Photographing Train (1896)
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