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Shazam! (2008)
She's Out of My League (2008)
Shenmue III (2008) (VG)
Sherlock's Secretary (2008)
Shoot (2008)
Short Circuit (2008)
Shotgun Wedding (2008)
Shutter (2008)
Shy Guy (2008)
Sightings (2008)
Sigma Protocol, The (2008)
Silence (2008)
Silence of Six, The (2008)
Silent Hill 2 (2008)
Silent Night, Deadly Night (2008)
Silent Star (2008)
Sin City 2 (2008)
Sin City 3 (2008)
Singularity (2008)
Siphon (2008)
Ski Mask Way, The (2008)
Slam Dunk (2008)
Slammer (2008)
Slaughter (2008)
Sleepaway Camp Reunion (2008)
Sleeper Code (2008)
Sleeping Detective (2008)
Sleuth (2008)
Slide Away (2008)
Slight Trick of the Mind, A (2008)
Smart (2008)
Smartparts (2008)
Smoke (2008)
Smooth Operator (2008)
Smurfs, The (2008)
Snow and the Seven (2008)
Snow Country (2008)
Snuffed (2008)
Soccer Mom (2008)
Solitary Isle (2008)
Solitude (2008)
Solomon Grundy (2008)
Something Blue (2008)
Something Borrowed (2008)
Something for Joey (2008)
Song of Kali (2008)
Songs from the Southern Seas (2008)
Soul Survivors (2008)
Sound and the Fury, The (2008)
Souvenirs du Valois (2008)
Space 3001 (2008)
Space Chimps (2008)
Sparrow, The (2008)
Special Relationship, A (2008)
Speed Racer (2008)
Spell for Chameleon, A (2008)
Spellman Files, The (2008)
Spiderwick Chronicles, The (2008)
Spine Tingler: The William Castle Story (2008)
Spinning Man, The (2008)
Spire, The (2008)
Spirit, The (2008)
Spiritual Journey, A (2008)
Split (2008)
Sports Widow (2008)
Spring Broke (2008)
Sprung (2008)
Spy vs. Stu (2008)
Stained Glass (2008)
Stalked (2008)
Stand by Love (2008)
Stanford Prison Experiment, The (2008)
Star Blazers (2008)
Star Trek Online (2008) (VG)
Star Trek XI (2008)
Stargate: Continuum (2008) (V)
Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008) (V)
Stargirl (2008)
Stars My Destination, The (2008)
Starship Dave (2008)
State of Play (2008)
Static (2008)
Stellungswechsel (2008)
Step Brothers (2008)
Stepfather, The (2008)
Stephon's Corner (2008)
Stolen Moments (2008)
Stone Child, The (2008)
Stoneheart (2008)
Straight and Narrow (2008)
Strangers on a Train (2008)
Street Fighter (2008)
Sub-Mariner (2008)
Sugarland (2008)
Suite Francaise (2008)
Summer School (2008)
Summerhill (2008)
Summoner, The (2008)
Sundays in Fort Greene (2008)
Sunset Boulevard (2008)
Sunshine Cleaning (2008)
Super Freak: The Rick James Story (2008)
Super Troopers 2 (2008)
Surveillance (2008)
Survive (2008)
Swarm, The (2008)
Sweeney, The (2008)
Sweetwater (2008)
Swingles (2008)
Sydney White (2008)
Sync or Swim (2008)
Salut de Dranem, Le (1901)
Sampans Racing Toward Liner (1901)
Sampson-Schley Controversy (1901)
Saturday at the Free Baths (1901)
Sausage Department. No. 2: Chopping (1901)
Scalding and Scraping Hogs (1901)
Scene in Beautiful Orient -- Pan-American Exposition (1901)
Scene in Legation Street, Shanghai (1901)
Scenes and Incidents in the G.A.R. Encampment (1901)
Scenes from 'Alibaba' (1901)
Scenes from 'Bhramar' (1901)
Scenes from 'Buddhadev' (1901)
Scenes from 'Dol Leela' (1901)
Scenes from 'Hariraj' (1901)
Scenes from 'Sarala' (1901)
Scenes from 'Seetaram' (1901)
Scenes from the Plays Vramar, Alibaba, Hariraj, Dole Laila, Budda, Sitaram (1901)
Schooner 'Idler' and Revenue Cutter 'Gresham' (1901)
Scrooge; or Marley's Ghost (1901)
Scène d'amour (1901)
Scène d'ivresse (1901)
Sea Gulls (1901)
Searching the Ruins of the Tarrant Fire (1901)
Second Queen's Rajputs (1901)
Second Squad, Sixth U.S. Cavalry (1901)
Sedgwick's Bioscope Show Front (1901)
Sept châteaux du diable, Les (1901)
Set-to Between John Bull and Paul Kruger (1901)
Sevillenas Dance -- Pan-American Exposition (1901)
Shad Fishing at Gloucester, N.J. (1901)
Sham Battle at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)
Shamrock to the Fore (1901)
Shamrock's Start (1901)
Shanghai from a Launch (1901)
Sheep Led to Slaughter by Goat (1901)
Shimbashi R.R. Station (1901)
Shipping Department. No. 2: Loading (1901)
Shooting the Chutes at Providence, Rhode Island (1901)
Signor Marconi -- Wireless Telegraphy (1901)
Singing Pigs Feet (1901)
Sixth U.S. Cavalry Charging (1901)
Sixth U.S. Cavalry, Skirmish Line (1901)
Skinning Sheep (1901)
Sleeping Child, The (1901)
Slicing Hams and Bacon (1901)
Slippery Slide, The (1901)
Snowballing Scene in Halifax (1901)
Snowman, The (1901)
Soldering Cans (1901)
Soot Versus Suds (1901)
Soubrette's Troubles on a Fifth Avenue Stage Coach (1901)
Soupière merveilleuse, La (1901)
Sousa and His Band (1901)
Spanish Coronation Royal Bull-Fight (1901)
Spanish Dancers at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)
Springtime in the Park (1901)
Squad of Men Clearing the Road (1901)
Square Can Machine (1901)
Stage Coach Hold-Up in the Days of '49 (1901)
Stamping Tin (1901)
Start of the Third Cup Race (1901)
Steam Tactics (1901)
Steam Yacht 'American' (1901)
Steamboat Leaving for Hilo (1901)
Steamship 'Bismark' (1901)
Steamship 'Deutschland' (1901)
Steamship 'Graf Waldersee' (1901)
Sticking Cattle (1901)
Sticking Hogs (Front View) (1901)
Stop Thief! (1901)
Street in Shanghai (1901)
Street Scene in Pekin (1901)
Street Scene in Shanghai (1901)
Street Scene, Shanghai (1901)
Street Scene, Tientsin [China] (1901)
Street Scene, Tokio, Japan (1901)
Street Sweeping Brigade (1901)
Street's Zouaves and Wall Scaling (1901)
Stuffing Cans by Machinery (1901)
Stuffing Sausage (1901)
Stunning Cattle (1901)
Such a Headache (1901)
Sweating Cans (1901)
Swimming Pool at Coney Island (1901)
S.S. Maria Theresa in a Storm (1900)
Saliendo de la catedral de Puebla (1900)
San Toy (1900)
Sanbaso (1900)
Sang d'Adonis donnant naissance à la rose rouge, Le (1900)
Santa Claus' Visit (1900)
Sapho (1900)
Sappho Kiss (1900)
Saut humidifié de M. Plick (1900)
Savant et le chimpanze, Le (1900)
Scandal in the Custom House (1900)
Scene from 'Old Kentucky' (1900)
Scene from the Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower (1900)
Scene in Chinatown (1900)
Scene in Fairmount Park, Phila. (1900)
Scene in the Swiss Village at Paris Exposition (1900)
Scene on the Boulevard de Capucines (1900)
School Fire Drill (1900)
Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies (1900)
Seeing Things at Night (1900)
Segadores en el campo (1900)
Sept péchés capitaux, Les (1900)
Shah's Return from Paris, The (1900)
Sham Battle on Land by Cadets at Newport Naval Training School (1900)
She Ran Away with the City Man (1900)
Shelter Tent Drill (1900)
Sherlock Holmes Baffled (1900)
Shoo Fly (1900)
Shooting Craps (1900)
Showing a Giant Crane Dumping a 40-Ton Car (1900)
Sidewalks of New York (1900)
Skating in Central Park (1900)
Slave Market, The (1900)
Slow But Sure (1900)
Snowballing Oom Paul (1900)
Soldiers of Greater Britain (1900)
Soldiers of the Cross (1900)
Somersault on Horseback, A (1900)
Songe d'or de l'avare, Le (1900)
Sorcier, le prince et le bon génie, Le (1900)
Sortie des ouvriers de l'établissement La Linière de Saint-Léonard (1900)
Soubrettes in a Bachelor's Flat (1900)
Source, La (1900)
South African War Subjects (1900)
Spanish Bullfight (1900)
Speed Trial of the 'Albatross' (1900)
Speedway Parade, A (1900)
Spirit of His Forefathers, The (1900)
Spirit of the Empire (1900)
Spiritisme abracadabrant (1900)
Splendid New Views of Bombay (1900)
Spooks at School (1900)
St. Clair Tunnel (1900/I)
St. Clair Tunnel (1900/II)
St. Mary's Congregation (1900)
Stallion Championship (1900)
Steam Yacht 'Kismet' (1900)
Steamer 'Stowell' Running the Narrows (1900)
Steeple Chase, Toronto (1900)
Stocking Scene from 'Naughty Anthony', The (1900)
Stop Thief! (1900)
Storm at Sea, A (1900)
Street Scene at Place de la Concorde, Paris, France (1900)
Strike in a Dime Museum, A (1900)
Suburban of 1900, The (1900)
Such a Quiet Girl, Too! (1900)
Suerte de toros ejecutados por Antonio Fuentes (1900)
Suite de la danse (1900)
Sunken Steamer in Galveston Harbor (1900)
Swiss Village, No. 2 (1900)
S.S. 'Coptic' at Dock (1897)
S.S. 'Coptic' in the Harbor (1897)
S.S. 'Coptic' Sailing Away (1897)
S.S. 'Middletown' (1897)
S.S. 'Queen' Leaving Dock (1897)
S.S. 'Queen' Loading (1897)
S.S. 'Williamette' Leaving for Klondike (1897)
Sad Sea Waves (1897)
Safety in Four Tracks (1897)
Saharet (1897)
Sainte-Gudule (1897)
Salida de los trabajadores de la fábrica España Industrial (1897)
Salida de misa de doce del Pilar de Zaragoza (1897)
Salida del público de la iglesia parroquial de Santa María de Sans (1897)
Santa Claus Filling Stockings (1897)
Sausage Machine, The (1897)
Scene in Ike Einstein's Pawn Office (1897)
Scene on the Delaware River (1897)
Schnellmaler Clown Jigg (1897)
Scrambling for Pennies (1897)
Scrub Yacht Race (1897)
Scènes d'enfants (1897)
Sea Lions' Home, The (1897)
Second Round: Glove Contest Between the Leonards (1897)
See Saw (1897)
Seine Majestät führt die Fahnen-Compagnie zum Denkmal (1897)
Seine Majestät Kaiser Wilhelm II. in Stettin (1897)
Seminary Girls (1897)
Serpentello (1897)
Sevillanas (1897)
Sexless Profiles (1897)
Sheep Run, Chicago Stockyards (1897)
Shooting the Chutes (1897/I)
Shooting the Chutes (1897/II)
Shooting the Chutes at Atlantic City (1897)
Side-Walks of New York (1897)
Sign Writer, The (1897)
Single Harness Horses (1897)
Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the New South Wales Lancers (1897)
Sisters Morden (1897)
Six Furlong Handicap (1897)
Sixth U.S. Cavalry (1897)
Skating in Central Park (1897)
Skipping Rope Dance, A (1897)
Slagsmål i gamla Stockholm (1897)
Smoking, Eating, and Drinking Scene (1897)
Soap Bubbles (1897)
Society Girls Playing 'Leap Frog' (1897)
Southern Pacific Overland Mail (1897)
Spike, the Bag-Punching Dog (1897)
Sprague Electric Train (1897)
Spree (1897)
Stanford University, California (1897)
Stapellauf des Kreuzers Fürst Bismarck (1897)
Stapellauf S.M.S. Kreuzer Hertha (1897)
Stapellauf vom Kreuzer Wilhelm der Große (1897)
Still Waters Run Deep (1897)
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