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"Grand Ole Opry" (1985)
"Grande Sertão: Veredas" (1985) (mini)
"Great American Strip-off, The" (1985)
"Greats of the Game" (1985)
"Growing Pains" (1985)
"Gryadushchemu veku" (1985) (mini)
"Gu mou" (1985)
"Guitarra" (1985)
"Gummi Bears, The" (1985)
"Gyalogbéka" (1985) (mini)
Movies |
G - som i gemutredningen (1985)
Gaat om de beweging, Het (1985)
Gaav Tase Changle Pun Veshila Tangale (1985)
Gabbia, La (1985)
Gaffeur, Le (1985)
Gagarin (1985)
Galactic Garden, The (1985) (TV)
Galaxenbauer, Der (1985) (TV)
Galaxy Invader, The (1985) (V)
Galenika (1985)
Gallagher: The Bookkeeper (1985) (TV)
Galskap! (1985)
Game Over (1985)
Gamis iluzia (1985)
Gamitin mo ako (1985)
Gandhis of India, The (1985) (TV)
Gang Bang (1985)
Ganga (1985)
Ganga Teri Shakti Apaar (1985)
Gangaji jukneunda (1985)
Ganges Extreme (1985) (TV)
Gao ling hu nan (1985)
Gao shan xia de hua huan (1985)
Garabatos (1985)
Gardel, el alma que canta (1985)
Garfield in Disguise (1985) (TV)
Gata Sem Pudor (1985)
Gatos (Prostitución de alto nivel), Los (1985)
Gatti Melam (1985)
Gauntlet (1985) (VG)
Gavilán o paloma (1985)
Gayathridevi Ente Amma (1985)
Ge wu sheng ping (1985)
Geen gedonder in het vooronder (1985) (TV)
Geethanjali (1985)
Gefahr für die Liebe - Aids (1985)
Geheime Mission (1985) (TV)
Geisha Slave (1985)
Gelio me doseis (1985)
Gen (1985)
Generation (1985) (TV)
Geneza (1985)
Genmu senki Leda (1985) (V)
George and the Christmas Star (1985) (TV)
Geraftaar (1985)
Gerdbad (1985)
German Dreams (1985) (TV)
Geschichte vom goldenen Taler, Die (1985) (TV)
Geschichte vom guten alten Herrn und dem schönen Mädchen, Die (1985) (TV)
Gesher Tzar Me'od (1985)
Gespinst, Das (1985) (TV)
Gestohlene Gesicht, Das (1985)
Get a Job (1985)
Get Out of My Room (1985)
Getekende mensen (1985)
Getting It (1985)
Getting Personal (1985) (V)
Getting the Last Laugh (1985) (TV)
Geudae jukeodo johatda (1985)
Geung si sin sang (1985)
Geval apart, Een (1985)
Ghar Dwaar (1985)
Ghoulies (1985)
Ghulami (1985)
Gibeun supsok ongdalsaem (1985)
Gidget's Summer Reunion (1985) (TV)
Gig, The (1985)
Gila-Gila Remaja (1985)
Gilberto Owen, un poeta olvidado (1985)
Gilda la ravageuse (1985)
Ging chaat goo si (1985)
Ginger (1985) (V)
Ginger Effect, The (1985) (V)
Ginger on the Rocks (1985) (V)
Ginger's Private Party (1985) (V)
Gingerbread Man (1985)
Giocatore invisibile, Il (1985)
Giordano (1985)
Gipgo gipeun geugose (1985)
Gipgo puleun bam (1985)
Girl Busters (1985)
Girl on the Run (1985)
Girls in the Tiger Cage (1985)
Girls Just Wanna Have Boy (1985)
Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985)
Girls of Cell Block F (1985)
Girls of Hollywood Hills (1985)
Girls of Rock & Roll (1985) (V)
Girls of the A Team, The (1985)
Girls of the Third Reich (1985)
Girls with Curves (1985)
Giudice, Il (1985)
Giustino (1985) (TV)
Glamour (1985)
Glamour Girl 5 (1985)
Glamour Girl 7 (1985)
Glamour Girl 8 (1985)
Glass Babies (1985) (TV)
Glissando (1985)
Glory (1985) (V)
Gloss (1985)
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