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Gjithmon zgjuar (1983)
Glimpses of Kerala (1983)
Glitter (1983)
Glockenkrieg, Der (1983) (TV)
Gloria (1983)
Glowy pelne gwiazd (1983)
Glykia symmoria (1983)
Gläserne Wappen, Das (1983) (TV)
Gmadlobt Ratili (1983)
Gnadenlos (1983) (TV)
Go for It (1983/I)
Godam (1983)
Godzilla Meets Mona Lisa (1983)
Going Berserk (1983)
Going Down (1983)
Going Wild (1983)
Gold der Liebe, Das (1983)
Gold Diggers, The (1983)
Gold Raiders (1983)
Gold Rush Boys (1983) (V)
Golden Eighties (1983)
Golden Girls 12 (1983) (V)
Golden Girls 6 (1983) (V)
Golden Key (1983)
Golden Seal, The (1983)
Golfa del barrio, La (1983)
Gollob, Der (1983)
Gong gui zai (1983)
Gonki po vertikali (1983) (TV)
Good and Bad at Games (1983) (TV)
Good at Art (1983) (TV)
Good Behaviour (1983) (TV)
Good Girls, Bad Girls (1983)
Good Turn Daily, A (1983)
Good, the Bad and the Beautiful, The (1983)
Good-bye Cruel World (1983)
Goodbye Paradise (1983)
Goodbye War (1983)
Goofy Golf (1983)
Gordimer Stories, The (1983)
Gori, gori yasno (1983) (TV)
Gorky Park (1983)
Gospel (1983)
Gospel According to Scrooge, The (1983) (TV)
Gospodin za edin den (1983)
Gospodsko dijete (1983) (TV)
Gowri Kalyanam (1983)
Goûter de Josette, Le (1983)
Grace Kelly (1983) (TV)
Gracka (1983)
Graditelji buducnosti (1983)
Grain de sable, Le (1983)
Gran moyocoyo, El (1983)
Grand braquet, Le (1983) (TV)
Grand carnaval, Le (1983)
Grand Ecstasy (1983)
Grandpa, Will You Run with Me? (1983) (TV)
Granita apo melani (1983)
Granny and the Gators (1983) (VG)
Great American Art Game, The (1983) (TV)
Great Days in the Rockies (1983)
Great Sadness of Zohara, The (1983)
Greatest Cathouse in Las Vegas (1983)
Greatest Story Never Told, The (1983)
Green (1983)
Grenouilles (1983)
Grey Granite (1983) (TV)
Gritos... a ritmo fuerte (1983)
Groenten uit Balen (1983) (TV)
Group Madness (1983)
Groupies Galore (1983)
Growing up Gay (1983) (TV)
Groß-Stadttiere - Ein Film für Kinder und Erwachsene (1983)
Grunt (1983)
Grève au pays des nègres blancs (1983)
Grüne Stern, Der (1983) (TV)
Guacamayo, El (1983)
Guaguasi (1983)
Gudachari No.1 (1983)
Guerra del ferro - Ironmaster, La (1983)
Guerre des demoiselles, La (1983)
Guerre des Mayas, La (1983) (TV)
Guerrillero del norte, El (1983)
Gui ma tian shi (1983)
Gui yan yan (1983)
Guide to Armageddon, A (1983) (TV)
Guipuzkoa Donostia: Costa guipuzcoana (1983)
Gupchup Gupchup (1983)
Guru Dakshina (1983)
Gute Nacht, Frau Engel (1983) (TV)
Gwandongsalmusa (1983)
Gwangdongwan So Hwa-jin (1983)
Gwiazdka Andersena (1983)
Gwimun gidam (1983)
Gyakutai dorei shôjo (1983)
Gyertek el a névnapomra (1983)
Gyftiki kompania (1983)
Gyoei no mure (1983)
Gyros tou thanatou, O (1983)
Gyruss (1983) (VG)
Général a disparu, Le (1983) (TV)
Gül agaci (1983)
Günah (1983)
Günahkar (1983)
Günesin tutuldugu gün (1983)
"Gabriel y Gabriela" (1982)
"Gary Coleman Show, The" (1982)
"Gastspieldirektion Gold" (1982)
"Gavilan" (1982)
"Gente Fina É Outra Coisa" (1982)
"Geschichten übern Gartenzaun" (1982)
"Gilligan's Planet" (1982)
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