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Ganimi Kawa (1981)
Garatgaran (1981)
Garde à vue (1981)
Garden of Earthly Delights, The (1981)
Gardener of Eden, The (1981)
Garjanai (1981)
Garlic Is As Good As Ten Mothers (1981)
Garsoniera gia deka (1981)
Garvi Naar Gujaratan (1981)
Garçons de rêves (1981) (V)
Gas (1981)
Gastmahl, Das (1981) (TV)
Gaston en Leo (1981) (TV)
Gaston Lapouge (1981) (TV)
Gateway to the South (1981)
Gatta da pelare, La (1981)
Gay Club (1981)
Gazija (1981)
Gde ty, lyubov? (1981)
Geek, The (1981)
Geeta Govindam (1981)
Gehra Zakhm (1981)
Gekkenbriefje (1981)
Gekko kamen (1981)
Geld oder Leben (1981) (TV)
Genombrottet (1981) (TV)
Genossinnen (1981)
Gentleman Bandit, The (1981) (TV)
Gently Down the Stream (1981)
Georg Danzer Direkt (1981) (TV)
George Burns' Early, Early, Early Christmas Special (1981) (TV)
Gerechten, Die (1981) (TV)
Geschichten aus den Hunsrückdörfern (1981)
Getting Even (1981)
Getting Over (1981)
Geu sarang hani doea (1981)
Geudae ape dashi seorisa (1981)
Ghamandee (1981)
Ghar Jawai (1981)
Gharana Gangulu (1981)
Ghost of a Chance (1981) (TV)
Ghost Story (1981)
Ghostkeeper (1981)
Ghosts (1981) (TV)
Ghungroo Ki Awaaz (1981)
Gianni Schicchi (1981) (TV)
Giannis Tsarouhis - Spoudi gia ena portraito (1981)
Gibloe delo (1981)
Gift of Music, A (1981) (TV)
Gin Game, The (1981) (TV)
Giochi erotici nella 3a galassia (1981)
Gipeun bam gabjagi (1981)
Girgiriye (1981)
Girgiriyede senlik var (1981)
Girl on Girl (1981)
Girl on the Edge of Town, The (1981) (TV)
Girl's Best Friend, A (1981)
Girl's Life, A (1981) (TV)
Girl, the Gold Watch & Dynamite, The (1981) (TV)
Girls in Their Summer Dresses and Other Stories by Irwin Shaw, The (1981) (TV)
Giving Away (1981)
Giácomo (1981) (TV)
Gjurmë në kaltërsi (1981)
Glücklose Mann, Der (1981) (TV)
Gnicche (1981) (TV)
Gocce d'amore (1981)
God drakona (1981)
Goddelijke komedie (1981) (TV)
Goden uit het Oosten, De (1981) (TV)
Godfathers of Fury (1981)
Goedochulma (1981)
Goeshi (1981)
Going Ape! (1981)
Gold or Bust (1981)
Golden Gate (1981) (TV)
Golden Sher, The (1981)
Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood (1981) (TV)
Goliath Awaits (1981) (TV)
Golim rukama (1981)
Gondhalat Gondhal (1981)
Gong zi jiao (1981)
Good Evening, Captain (1981) (TV)
Good Soldier, The (1981) (TV)
Goodbye Pork Pie (1981)
Goods (1981)
Goodwill Industries Telethon, The (1981) (TV)
Goraczka (1981)
Goraeseom sodong (1981)
Gorf (1981) (VG)
Gorilas a todo ritmo (1981)
Gorleben: Der Traum von einer Sache (1981)
Gosti iz galaksije (1981)
Gostosa da Gafieira, A (1981)
Grabeste-te încet (1981)
Gradski zivot (1981) (TV)
Gradsko Saobracajno Beograd (1981)
Graduation Day (1981)
Grain Elevator (1981)
Gramayan (1981)
Grambling's White Tiger (1981) (TV)
Grammy Hall of Fame, The (1981) (TV)
Gran perro muerto, El (1981)
Gran triunfo, El (1981)
Gran valor en la facultad de medicina (1981)
Grand Master of Shaolin Kung Fu (1981)
Grand paysage d'Alexis Droeven, Le (1981)
Grande levrette, La (1981)
Grands travaux du monde, Les (1981)
Grant Takes Richmond (1981) (V)
Great Barrier Reef (1981)
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